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BYU–Hawaii Brand

Logos and Marks

Brigham Young University–Hawaii uses the approved logos and marks outlined below. All logos representing the university must be approved by University Communications.

Logos and Marks
Usage Guidelines
Campaign and Event Graphics
  • The BYUH Monogram 1 on top and the BYUH Monogram 2 below it. They both present the required clear space around the marks using the height of BYUH's letter B.

    The BYUH Monograms are the university's primary identifying mark. They are appropriate for items that are promotional, utilitarian, or more casual in nature. Applying it to official university communication should be avoided. However, in situations where the wordmark or the medallion would be rendered small and unreadable, the monogram version of the logo may be substituted.

    Clear Space: Height of the "B"

    Minimum Width: Monogram 1: 0.5 inch, Monogram 2: 1 inch

    Ideal For
    • Publications
    • Brochures & fliers
    • Special promotions
    • Merchandise
    • Banners
    • Uniforms & apparel
    • Online usage

    Not Recommended For
    • Formal occasions and invitations

  • The logos used for departments, organizations, and offices that serve and support the core mission and primary target audiences of the university. The name of the office, department, organization, division, or program is integrated into the core identity in a uniform and subordinate manner.

    Departments may request similar logos for programs and divisions but must prove a legitimate need and receive approval from University Communications. Logos created for programs are promotional and more casual in nature. For that reason, it should only use the monogram.

    The two orientations—horizontal and vertical version of the BYUH monogram secondary identity logo with default text "department name." Also presenting the clear space around it using the height of BYUH's B around it.


    Ideal For
    • Publications
    • Brochures and flyers
    • Special promotions
    • Merchandise
    • Banners
    • Uniforms and apparel
    • Online usage

    Not Recommended For
    • Official university communications
    • Letterhead, envelopes, business cards, fax cover sheets, university forms, etc.
    • Certificates, and invitations
    • Formal occasions and invitations

    Clear Space: Height of the "B"

    Minimum Width: The monogram (not including the department name) must be at least 0.5 inches wide

  • Previously used for BYU–Hawaii's athletic program, the BYU–Hawaii Seasiders identity system has been inherited by the BYU–Hawaii student-focused organizations, specifically Seasider Sports & Activities. The Seasider identity allows for a more casual look, recreational identifications, and recreational attributes.

    The Seasider

    Seasider primary logos—monogram and oval versions
    Seasider Sports & Activities logos—horizontal and vertical versions.

    The Seasider identity marks identify the comprehensive BYU–Hawaii or BYU–Hawaii Seasider name. This strengthens the connection to BYU–Hawaii as an institution. Never use them in place of the medallion for official university communication.

    Clear Space: Height of the "B" all around the logo

    Minimum Width: BYU–Hawaii Seasider Monogram: 0.75 inch; BYU–Hawaii Seasiders Oval: 1 inch

    Ideal For
    • Intramurals sports
    • Advertisements for Seasider Sports & Activities
    • Merchandise sold at the BYUH Store
    • University promo items to build school spirit
    • Uniform for Seasider Sports & Activities staff

    Not Recommended For
    • Small applications

    Organizations approved to use the Seasider logo as part of their logo are:

    • Seasider Sports & Activities
      • Seasider Sports
      • Seasider Activities

    Organizations approved to use the "Seasider" identity in their official name are:

    • Seasider Sports & Activities
    • Seasider Snackbar)
    • Seasider Singers
    • Seasider Wellness

    *Organizations wishing to use the "Seasider" identity in their name or as part of their logo must be requested to and by University Communications.

  • Medallion

    The BYUH medallion logo while presenting its required clear space around it using the width of "BYU" all around it.

    For formal and official communications only.

    Clear Space: Width of "BYU"

    Minimum Width: 0.75 inch

    Ideal For
    • Office and general forms
    • Official signage
    • Stamp of approval
    • Semi-formal occasions, invitations, cards, and announcements
    • Certificates

    Not Recommended For
    • Small online or printed applications
    • Formal occasions and invitations
    • Embroidery


    Brigham Young University–Hawaii wordmark and its clear space around it, using the height of the first two lines as the measurement.

    The complete "signature" of the institution. Only for formal university communications and for occasions where the full name recognition is required.

    Clear Space: Height of the two lines "Brigham Young" and "University"

    Minimum Width: 1.5 inches

    Ideal For
    • Formal occasions and invitations
    • Publications that are spiritual, executive, or scholarly in nature
    • Engraving or embossing
    • Kit cover

    Not Recommended For
    • Small online or printed applications
    • Official university communication
    • Letter

    Official Seal

    Brigham Young University–Hawaii Official Seal logo

    Application is very limited and should be used with discretion. Special permission should be requested by contacting University Communications.

    Ideal For
    • Legal documents
    • Diplomas
    • President's communications

    Not Recommended For
    • Official university communication
    • Promotional materials
    • General university communications

  • In order to reach the marketing needs of revenue-generating departments, unique logos may be created and/or approved by University Communications for products or services being sold for profit. Marks should be registered with University Communications and used for a minimum of three years, after which, marks can be evaluated by University Communications and a new mark designed and approved. Marks should only be used in marketing materials (ads, posters, fliers) and not for official uses in identifying the organization (letterhead, business cards, envelopes, etc.).

    Currently Registered to Use a Revenue-Generating Mark:

    • BYUH Store
      BYUH Store's vertical logo
    • The HUB
    The HUB's registered mark

    • Banyan Dining Hall
    Banyan Dining Hall Logo

    • Seasider Snackbar
    Seasider Snackbar logo

  • Upon registering and establishing an alumni association at BYU–Hawaii, the association president will be given a university-approved logo provided by University Communications. For consistency and officialization, any alumni association established under the Alumni Relations department's guidelines will be required to use the logo as their identity mark. These association marks should be active for a minimum of three years, after which, associations can be evaluated by Alumni Relations and a new alumni association created. Due to the nature of the organization to possibly include alumni from the Church College of Hawaii, they are given the option of including both the BYUH monogram and the Church College of Hawaii logos.

    The BYUH Alumni Association logo for the Philippines Chapter with the Church College of Hawaii logo and BYUH monogram and name of the chapter below.

  • In order to distinguish between academic or administrative organizations and student-led organizations, any student clubs established under Student Leadership’s guidelines will use the words “at BYU–Hawaii” following the organization’s name rather than using the name of the university before the name of the organization. An example would be the “Hawaiian Club at BYU–Hawaii” rather than the “BYU–Hawaii Hawaiian Club”.

    Student clubs will not be permitted to use any institutional or merchandising marks in apparel, merchandise, or marketing promoting the student organization. Instead, student organizations will be able to develop their own identity mark but must get the mark and any design variations of the mark approved and registered with the Student Leadership Media Team. Marks should be used for a minimum of three years, after which, marks can be evaluated by the Student Leadership Media Team and a new mark approved. Marks should be in line with the honor code and should be the only typographic illustration of the organization’s name.

    Student club mark examples using "at BYU–Hawaii" after the club name such as "China Club at BYU–Hawaii", "Campus Cats Club at BYU–Hawaii", and "Dive Club at BYU–Hawaii." These student club marks do not use any part of the official university marks but are unique designs to the club.

  • University Communications has coordinated with the BYUH Store to develop marks to be used on BYU–Hawaii merchandise sold at the BYUH Store. University organizations may not use these marks in conjunction with the organization’s name as a substitute for secondary identity logos. For more information about and access to these marks, contact us at

Usage Guidelines

We are to protect our logos and marks by using them properly and with consistency. Doing this will support, strengthen, and reflect our brand as unified, dependable, and professional.

Logo Treatment

Do Not Alter or Manipulate the Logos

In two rows: the top row has examples of the logos that are warped, manipulated, and redesigned; the bottom row has examples of correctly leaving the logo at its original ratio and design.

Use the logo artwork as is. Do not skew or stretch them from their original format. Don't combine it with other artwork or change the typeface of the mark. Use each logo in its entirety.


In two groups: the top group has the BYUH core monogram logo and the bottom group has the department logos. All are placed in and on different colors—light gray, crimson red, black, dark gray, medium gray, and white.
The Seasider Sports & Activities logos placed on white, greys, crimson, and black and in the school's official colors and neutral colors like white and grey.

Both the BYU–Hawaii core logo, department logo, and Seasider logo must be printed or displayed in and on crimson or neutral colors (white, black, various tonalities of grays) while maintaining legibility.

Spacing and Minimum Sizing

In two rows: the top row has examples of two department logos that are too close to each other, not maintaining the clear space and another logo on the right of the row that is too small; the bottom row has two department logos that are at maintaining its clear space around it and are at a size that is acceptable according to guidelines.
The two orientations—horizontal and vertical version of the BYUH monogram secondary identity logo with default text "department name." Also presenting the clear space around it using the height of BYUH's B around it.
The two orientations—horizontal and vertical versions of the Seasider Sports & Activities logo. Also, presenting the clear space around it using the height of BYUH's B around it.

Minimum Width: The monogram (not including the department name) must be at least 0.5 inches wide.

Allow for separation of the logo from all other elements, as well as the edge of a page. White space is an important component for identifying the university. Always maintain a “no-print” zone that surrounds the logo, using elements of the logo for measurement. Logos and marks should be large enough to be legible in both print and digital applications. View the 'Logo' tab for the precise measurements on clear space and minimum sizing.

Incorrect Usage

BYUH's logos and marks must not be:

  • used in non-BYUH colors or in other color combinations than those offered by University Communications
  • used in gradients or tints of the approved colors
  • changed to incorporate a different typeface
  • cropped
  • embellished with drop shadows, textures, patterns, outlines, dimensions, or other visual effects
  • distorted in shape or proportion
  • used as a watermark or background

Campaign Graphics

Unapproved university logos or anything that may be perceived as a logo through its treatment may not be used. Although, graphics and design elements may be used throughout a single campaign to provide consistency or uniformity as long as it is only used for the span of the campaign. It should not include any typographical illustration of the university's name.

End the Cycle campaign purple shirt sample; front and back design; front has the campaign graphic and back has the department logo
Title IX's End the Cycle campaign graphics on a sign by a door outside an event

The campaign graphic "End the Cycle" is endorsed by a department with its logo. In this case, it was Title IX. The usage of the non-BYUH color, purple, was approved by University Communications because it symbolized dating and domestic violence awareness.

Annual Event Identity Marks

Large, on-campus events that are produced by BYU–Hawaii departments or organizations and held annually can have a unique logo created by and/or approved by University Communications. The event must be recurring at least once a year. Annual event identity marks or logos should always be used in conjunction with an organizational logo, whether it be the BYU–Hawaii monogram to represent the university as a whole or a department secondary identity. Marks should be used for a minimum of three years, after which, marks can be evaluated by University Communications and a new mark approved.


  • Culture Night is endorsed by BYUH Clubs
  • The Asia Pacific Career Conference is endorsed by Career Services