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Social Branding

In today's world, social media is a gateway for people to learn more about the university. It's a tool to share BYU–Hawaii's story, values, and principles with audiences and demographics worldwide. We ask that accounts directly affiliated with the university follow the brand guidelines below to bring visual consistency and credibility to our university and your department's social media presence.

Logos and Profile Pictures 


All official departmental accounts must select one of the following monograms for their social media profile picture. Do not add any text underneath, even if it displays your department name. Unless you have been given and approved a unique and university-approved logo (BYUH Store, The Banyan Dining Hall, Seasider Activities, etc.), this is mandatory for all accounts claiming direct affiliation to the university.

Alumni Associations

All alumni associations are to use the BYU–Hawaii monogram on a gold background as their social media profile photo as provided by University Communications. To set up your social media account following our social branding guidelines, contact Alumni Relations.

Facebook Cover Photos 

Account managers can choose what is displayed as their department's Facebook page cover photo. Be sure to choose wisely; this is where your page's identity shines. Be sure to follow a landscape configuration and crop your image to the dimensions of the image space of the social platform you are using.

Account Names 

Consistency benefits both the university and your account. To make it easier to spot the difference between official and unofficial BYU–Hawaii accounts, all accounts should adopt this formatting: 


  • BYUH International Student Services 
  • BYUH New Student Experience 
  • BYUH Career Services 
  • BYUH Counseling & Disability Services 

Account Handles 

Similar to account names, handles need to be consistent university-wide. However, handles are extremely limited with characters and availability.  

If you have a pre-existing handle changing it to the format below is optional. However, if you have built up a brand image with your handle, it can remain as is. 


  • @byuhiss 
  • @byuhnse 
  • @byuhcareerservices 
  • @byuhcounseling